Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and Reverse-Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Iapos;ve tried to force myself to operate on a normal sleep schedule for... Well, for years. Ever since I�was first hospitalized back in 2005, and even before that. Iapos;ve always believed that I was just suffering from insomnia- Iapos;ve always been awake until between 4 and 6am and Iapos;ve always woken up between 12 and 3pm... Meaning that when I�was actually suffering from insomnia, I�was on a normal sleep schedule.
Heat drives me insane. The last time I�was in a hospital, I nearly slammed my head through a pane of glass due to the temperature of the God damned hospital ward...
Iapos;ve never been a fan of heat. Iapos;ve desensitized myself to it- thereapos;s little doubt of that considering that Iapos;ve yet to kill myself. But I still hate heat enough to allow it the potential of driving me to suicide, while I operate at my best during the most frigid of weather.
Iapos;m just a backwards little beaver.
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