I did not lose any fingernails as yet and I must be healthy since the one I lost has been growing back great guns.� I do eat healthy, but just too much.� THatapos;s my story and Iapos;m sticking to it.
OUr quilt show this year is a bust.� No pop, no pazazz, no spark. Itapos;s nice, but boringly blah.� I had to work this am for 2 hours and I�got bored just walking around a bunch of quilts and fabric.� What gives?/� I think I must be jaded to seeing and making really fabulous art pieces.� I guess there is still a place for traditional quilts in the calico style and colorway, but not with me.� Anyhow - a noted quiltmaker and author of several books (Iapos;ve taken one of her classes) did tell me today that she loved my quilt.� So - I respect her talent as an artist (she had the best 2 quilts there) and it was nice to hear.
WIll be leaving in about 30 minutes when my friend from Davis gets here to go to Roseville to a reception for a quilt/textile artist gallery show.� Should be fun and then we will likely go to dinner.� �I will, I am sure, be inspired to sew tomorrow.
Nice weather here today - cloudy this am when I was at the Farmerapos;s MArket where I got us some fab grapes and red pears to munch on this week when you all are up here.� She assured me the pears would be perfect on Saturday� Red BArtletts have a creamier texture.� FOund�fingerling potatoes that I will roast with rosemary�olive oil and chopped garlic tomorrow with grilled chicken adn fresh summer�squash.� See - I do eat well
Gotta go - reports later.......�
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