This week has been pretty solid. School-wise, if I get the right classes next semester and take my science classes at AACC this summer, then Iapos;ll have completed all my core credits before Fall 2009. This means that the only classes Iapos;ll have to take after that will be upper-level English and American Studies classes...which couldnapos;t be any sweeter. If all of this works out as planned, Iapos;ll be on track to graduate in four years, even with a double major THIS IS SO GOOD. I also got the advisor that I really, really wanted for American Studies, and an A- on my first paper for ENGL301 (major accomplishment - I donapos;t have a good relationship at all with the professor in that class).
Iapos;m going to see Minus the Bear next Wednesday and itapos;s going to be awesome. The acoustic songs are really, really good right now. Maybe camping this weekend, maybe going to DC on Monday. The parents are going out of town at the end of the month, I do believe - no fucking parties, Iapos;m just tryna have the house to myself. I agreed to go visit Boulder in November - Iapos;m not really stoked on it, but maybe it will be fun? Everything would be so much better if I didnapos;t have a really terrible head cold, but I guess everythingapos;s pretty good anyway.
azul anil, azul alhambra, azul, azuko, azuki sushi.

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