Well,�I�kind of fell off the wagon this weekend. Friday we had pizza for dinner, yesterday we were at Great America (great time)�and today weapos;re going to White Fence Farm for some chicken. Iapos;ve decided that Iapos;m not going to weigh in tomorrow because of the weekend and Iapos;m also on the end of my monthly friend, so I probably have some extra water weight. I figure iapos;ll just skip this week and then hope for a loss on next weeks weigh in. I�also went and bought a heart monitor to wear while exercising. Supposedly itapos;s better to have one than to rely on the machines because the machines arenapos;t very accurate.
SO... Tune is next week�:)�
I�wish there was a way we could all work out together. . . IF only our schedules werenapos;t so hectic.
Anyway.... Great America was awesome. We got there around 10:30 am and left at 9:45�It was a full day of walking and riding rides We got the flash pass thing that holds your place in line electronically and you donapos;t have to wait as long. We rode the Raging Bull twice, The Viper,�American Eagle (aka The Black Widow for Fright Fest), The Dark Knight (stupid coaster), Superman�(awesome), Vertical�Velocity twice�(itapos;s awesome in the front row), Wizzer, and Batman. Needless to say my feet are killing me today.
d.h. horton homes, d.h. lawerence, d.h. lawerence poems, d.h. lawerence the horse dealers daughter.

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