Itapos;s almost, ALMOST raining right now, and frankly, itapos;s breaking my heart. I am feeling the tension in the clouds like Iapos;m feeling it in my body. I feel so shattered after that evil entity fucked my entire body and being over the other night, and it NEEDS to rain, it NEEDS to be released. I NEED to have a period. I NEED to throw up. I need to squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube and I need to squish a pimple. I want to be on the floor, matter being expelled from every orifice, with all my skin slashed up to let the organs out. Sounds gruesome and messy but I just donapos;t want anything inside my skin anymore, itapos;s all poisonous.
Let it rain Watching the clouds like this is exhausting.
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