Today has been a long day. This morning I had to go to the red cross to try to figure out why we got shorted on our pay. I had to go there to show them the power of attorney and/or to send Ethan an urgent message. Well, the lady at DFAS (the finance place) said that we were not given BAH. She said that we had gotten it on the 15th of sept, and the 1st of oct, but it was stopped for some reason (a reason she didnapos;t know) on october 3rd. So, she said I needed to call fort benning (where Ethan is) to figure out what happened. So, we called fort benning and got transferred to 389403289208 different people. Finally I got this guy on the phone that was some higher up of Ethanapos;s batallion, and he pulled up Ethanapos;s RN and said it showed him as single. I was like uh, no, Iapos;m looking at my marriage certificate. AND we got BAH on the last 2 pay cycles. He was like thatapos;s not possible because heapos;s only been here for 4 weeks. He was an ass. Then I had to explain to him that Ethan was at ft. Jackson for his GED class before, and heapos;s been gone for 2 months. Then he was just like well, did he show his marriage certificate when he got here. Iapos;m like I donapos;t know, Iapos;ve talked to him once since heapos;s been there and that was before this happened. He just said that Ethan has to go to finance and get it fixed and he canapos;t do anything. He doesnapos;t know how long itapos;ll take blah blah blah but he seems to remember hearing earlier that morning about Ethan having this problem. So, he seemed to think Ethan already knew about it, but he said he would tell him. So, I donapos;t even know if it will be fixed on the first, and my guess is no. But, I do think that they have to backpay us for it, so that will be nice. The only thing that sucks is that I will only get paid $560 on the first instead of the $1190 we are supposed to get paid. And I am taking a 2 day road trip, so I dunno how Iapos;m gonna work that. My account is going to be $100 in the negative because of my care payment, so Iapos;ll have $450ish for the trip.
I talked to Ethanapos;s mom about it. Basically I have enough money to get there, and thatapos;s kinda it. She said not to worry about it, she will buy me groceries and whatnot. I told her that I can pay her back once they fix this problem. She just told me not to worry about anything. That was kind of nice to hear. I feel like all I do is worry.
I wanted to buy this portable DVD player for Shaina for the trip, but I canapos;t. That sucks. I also talked to the insurance company today and I will have no trouble seeing an OB when I get there.
In other news, I went to this meetup today with a meetup moms group Iapos;m in. It was at Olive Garden, and then the park. Shaina had a a meltdown in the restaurant, and I ended up having to sit on the floor and hold her while she screamed for 20 minutes, and trying to brush her back and rock her. I didnapos;t really get to eat. I felt bad for everyone else, because my child was screaming bloody murder. She freaked out because she wanted to run around the restaurant and I wouldnapos;t let her. She played at the park for almost 3 hours after that though.
Another mom in the group with a 5 year old was there. She was really nice, but her kid really pissed me off. Shaina tried to drink his water, because she didnapos;t realize it wasnapos;t hers, and he started talking shit to her/about her. He was calling her a moron and a pig and a loser and all kinds of other names. The mama bear in me came out and I was pissed. The mother quickly made him apologize and took him to the car and left. Iapos;ve just never heard a child talk like that to another child. I wanted to smack him. No one talks to my baby like that.
OH, and I cleaned my room last night. It took me 3 hours. I packed up all Ethanapos;s stuff, and my prepregnancy clothes. My room was horrible. Iapos;ve been too sick to clean it. You couldnapos;t see the floor at all, or the top of the dresser. There was trash all over the place. I ended up taking 4 trashbags full of trash out. I have 2 huge bags of clothes to get rid of.
Also, a friend of mine was making Shaina a weighted blanket in exchange for Shainaapos;s summer clothes (she wants them for her daughter for next year). Itapos;s finished For those of you who donapos;t know what a weighted blanket is, itapos;s a blanket with tiny rocks or beads in it. This one weighs about 5 lbs. Itapos;s for sensory input. The occupational therapist thought it would be a good idea to use one. Iapos;m so excited to see if she likes it
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good day. :)
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